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Join date: Oct 13, 2020


Content Marketing - Project Management - Intercultural Understanding

Since forever I have been curious to learn about what makes up a person's identity, how that identity fits with a community, and how identities interact with others.

This took me out to the University of British Columbia where I studied Cognitive/ Personality Psychology and Ethics in Political Theory. In other words, what makes us us and how we interact with the systems we live in. Mixed with my work as the Equity Commissioner (or intercultural understanding) I started to work in project management to help build systems that support our organic connection to eachother.

A few lifetimes later, here I am with Raven & Lotus where my goal is the same. Help organizations develop their brand identity so that through storytelling content marketing they can create structures that connect their identity with the identity of their favourite communities.

Let's get in touch so I can learn your story and we can explore how to tell it to others.

Stay frosty,

Brett Sinclair

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